Why do some fundraisers fail?
(and how to avoid it).
It’s terrible to say, but it’s true: most times, a fundraiser will fail to get the traction and engagement it needs to be a success.
Did you know over 54% of fundraisers fail to reach their intended goal?
Being a volunteer fundraising coordinator is tough stuff. It isn’t a task or job most people want and there’s a good reason: fear of failure and judgment from othersĀ are often part of it.
A lackluster fundraiser brings the team morale down and ultimately leaves the group bank account empty.
So let’s avoid it all together!Ā Ā
Let go of the big “F” for failure and turnĀ your next campaignĀ into a true winner!
We’ve worked with hundreds of groups over the years and our online food fundraisers are available in Alberta & Winnipeg.
Lower your risk of fundraising failure with these 4 tips:
1.Ā Plan Your Fundraiser Way Ahead of Time
You should be planning your fundraiser up to 6 months in many cases!
Groups like schools and large clubs need to plan and schedule events and fundraisers well in advance so they can gather volunteers and organize.Ā
We call it “emptying your freezer” or “planting the seed“.Ā
Pick vendors that families can look forward to!Ā
With TeamFund, we work with food and frozen consumables, giving parents the heads up allows them to start emptying their freezers, so they can fill them up come fundraising season.
>> Raise more with a Fill Your Freezer Fundraiser
2. Create an awareness campaign before your campaign
When “planting the seed” you’re essentially painting a picture for your parents and families.
This way, you simply go on an awareness campaign without pressuring anyone. This way you can avoid the “I didn’t know!” scenarios.
Families especially love the Fill Your Freezer fundraiser because food is a product they actually need!Ā
Did You Know? 80% of groups return to TeamFund twice a year for a steady stream of revenue for their organization!
So prime your team and let them know what’s coming up on your fundraising calendar.Ā
3. Get in touch with a fundraising expert, do not go in this alone!
Don’t assume you know what you’re doing… all the time.
TeamFund is a leader in fundraising. All we do is organize fundraisers — so we know market trends and ideal times to get selling!Ā
Getting in touch with a TeamFund expert will increase your chances of success and decrease your failure rate.
Did You Know? TeamFund takes care of setting up your online store, taking payments, and tracking sales. All you have to do is promote to supporters and receive the cheque! We even provide marketing materials to help.

4. Finally….Be a good listener!
This means listening to your team and committee. You may feel like you have a great fundraising idea in mind, but if you fail to get your team or commitee excited about it, then your failure rate will surely be high.Ā
It’s good to haveĀ a little skepticism on your team (that gives you a chance to shine!), but if you get too much pushback, don’t move ahead!Ā
Be sure the fundraising products you are offering are the ones your supportersĀ actually want to buy and you’ll be halfway to success.Ā
Download our FREE Fundraising Package for even more tips and a toolkit to kick off your fundraiser.Ā
It’s loaded with the best fundraisers in Alberta & Winnipeg!
Fundraise for any season and any reason with TeamFund Fundraising!Ā
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