Download 2025 Fundraising Package

(Including the Bacon Cheat Sheet!)

This free download includes tools to help you set fundraising goals and plan your tastiest fundraiser yet!

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A food fundraiser from TeamFund is easier, faster, and more profitable than other types of fundraising. From busy parents to team coaches, and anyone else looking to fundraise, TeamFund is your partner in success!

From the First Payment to Delivery, We’ve Got You!


One of the best parts about TeamFund is how we do it all. Once your group is on board, all you need to worry about is the actual selling – we take care of the rest!

Our fundraisers are made in partnership with local food companies. We’ve planned out every detail, from tracking orders via our online platform, to organizing delivery of your food once your fundraiser is over.

And when the fundraiser is over, we cut you a cheque for your profits – easy!