Rural Alberta town High River is home to the Highwood Current Swim Club. The club is dedicated to raising, inspiring, and developing the next generation of physically, socially, and emotionally balanced youth through competitive swimming. 

A board of volunteers is running the swim club, which means community support is critical to provide youth with the facilities. The facilities allow youth not only to develop competitive swimming skills, but also provide opportunities for team building and personal growth.

In order to raise money to help with operating costs in 2022, Highwood Current Swim Club worked with Teamfund, an online fundraising platform that provides food and meat fundraisers. After an intense swim meet, the hunger in the air is palpable. A successful food fundraiser provides the food necessary to raise a healthy swimmer! 

TeamFund makes fundraising fun and accessible for everyone. You can share your fundraising page with friends and family, so supporters can purchase online. There are no paper trails, no storing inventory, and no chasing payments.

The best part? With food fundraising, not only do parents get to support their kids’ clubs and competitions, but they are also feeding their families at the same time by purchasing local food products.

50% of what was raised for Highwood Current Swim Club also went to the family accounts of those who participated, helping keep swim fees low and accessible.

This was Highwood Current Swim Club’s first fundraiser with TeamFund Fundraising, and they were able to almost $1,400!

Highwood Current Swim Club logo.

Sports fundraising can be a challenge.  TeamFund’s online food fundraising combined with the incredible volunteers from Highwood Current Swim Club means youth have access to affordable swimming lessons and activities. 

If your swim club is looking for a fundraiser and is always hungry after a meet: Download a Bacon Cheat Sheet. 

Fundraise for any season and any reason.

Your club can also see success just like Highwood Current Swim Club! 

Our fundraisers are available in Calgary, Edmonton, other areas of Alberta, and Winnipeg! 

TeamFund provides support and fundraising tips throughout the course of your fundraiser to help you be as successful as you possibly can be. 

Fundraise for any season and any reason with TeamFund Fundraising! 

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date!