10 Fundraising Best Practices That Will Ensure Your Fundraiser is a Success
1) Start Early
Fundraising takes more time than you think.
On average, TeamFund’s fundraisers take less than a week to get organized; however, TeamFund has everything you need already prepared.
For other fundraisers, you may want to start getting organized at least a month in advance, depending on how much you want to raise.
Research & pick your fundraiser as early as possible.
Fundraising is an exciting proposition because it means getting the cash to help your team do what they want to do.
However, not every fundraiser is right for every minor sports team or school event.
Start your research early and find the right fundraiser for your group.
2) Pick A Fearless Leader
Pick a Fundraising Leader who is Confident & Experienced.
Fundraising can be daunting, requiring a clear head and unwavering motivation.
Picking a leader who knows the fundraising drill and has the gumption to reach the goal is invaluable to your fundraising efforts.
Have your leader plant the flag and set your goals.
When you are fundraising, you’ll have milestones, achievements, and an ultimate goal.

Have your leader establish that goal clearly, and help your team see progress towards it.
It will help motivate the team to reach your fundraising goals.
Have your leader set a plan and stick to it.
Fundraising is a process that takes time and coordination. If everyone goes off and does their own thing, a fundraiser can quickly fall apart.
Having a leader with a plan and that can delegate responsibilities will go a long way toward reaching your fundraising goal!
3) Set Fundraising Goals & Timelines
Before anything else, know how much money you need to raise for your fundraiser.
Trips, tournaments, and equipment should all have set prices that set a goal for you to reach.
Do not start fundraising to raise as much as possible; you’ll quickly find your fundraising team and buyers losing interest.
Know your deadline, and don’t go past it.
Every fundraiser should have an established deadline to reach your goal.
Having a deadline motivates people to prioritize fundraising and helps keep your fundraising timeline in check!
4) Organize Your Team To Succeed
Find reliable help for your fundraiser.
Fundraising is a group effort that takes a team of people’s time and energy to achieve their goals.
Finding reliable people to help you reach your fundraising goals will make the process much easier and help you raise more money.
Help volunteers see the value of the fundraiser.
No one wants to be “volunteered” into doing work they don’t understand.
Help your fundraising team understand what the team is trying to achieve and keep that sentiment in mind when the team is going out selling. Â
Always remember to delegate. It is easy to get carried away thinking that the fundraiser’s responsibility falls on your shoulders because you are in charge.
But, with a committed team, you can get much more done in a shorter timeframe with less stress to the whole group.
Remember, ten volunteers working for one hour will leave less them less stressed than one person working for 10 hours.
Delegate responsibilities to get the job done quickly and well.
5) Plan Out Who You Are Going To Approach To Sell
The first step is to know your audience.
- Who is would be willing to support your cause?
- Who is interested in what you are selling?
- Who can you easily reach to show your products?
Take some time to answer these fundamental questions, and you’ll quickly develop a list of people you want to reach out to.
Know your sales points for your product. People want to know why they should give you money for what you’re selling. Make sure you understand why your product is amazing.
For the meats at TeamFund, we know they are from local vendors, the food is restaurant quality or higher, and some of the foods are organic, to name a few points.
Write down three reasons why what you’re selling is something you would buy.
Outlining these benefits will help customers understand why they want to buy from you.
Communicate with people, don’t sell at them. People don’t want to be sold to but want to be spoken with.
Move away from telling people they need to buy, buy, buy, and instead help them understand why you are selling and what’s in it for them if they do end up buying.
6) Help People Understand What You’re Trying to Accomplish
Every fundraiser is a gateway to doing something new and awesome for your team or school.
Help people understand what you are trying to accomplish.
People like to be support teams and schools that are trying to help kids do something new. They’re far less receptive to being sold meat over the phone.
People recognize striving for goals and usually want to help.
Let people know exactly what’s happening in your fundraiser and how close you are to your goal and deadline.
You can motivate people to help you simply by showing where you are.
7) Social Media Is Your Secret Weapon
Friends, family, and acquaintances are all on social media these days.
It’s easy to connect with them with a simple message on Facebook or DM through Instagram.
It’s especially convenient for reaching out to people who you may not have their phone numbers.Â
You can gauge who may be interested in what you’re trying to do.
Social media is a great place to get an idea of what someone’s interests are. If you’re unsure if someone would be interested in supporting your team, check their Facebook account.
It may indicate whether or not they’d be interested in supporting your cause.
>> Using Social Media to Promote Your Fundraiser
8) Don’t Be Afraid To Talk Up The Product
Have faith in the product that you’re selling. You’re selling someone a product, and they need to have confidence that what you are selling is something they want.
Whatever the product is, own it. Have your sales points ready, be prepared to answer any questions a buyer might have, and help them understand why it’s something that they want.Â
9) Find Interest, Make The Sale
Identifying someone’s interest in supporting your fundraising is a critical skill.
Not everyone who listens to you will be a buyer, and not everyone who ignores you will be a dead lead.
A good indicator of someone’s interest is to see if they’re asking questions about your cause and your product. Questions run out fast if someone isn’t interested in learning more. Keep that in mind and help determine who will be a supporter.
Don’t be afraid to cut cold leads. Sometimes, people slip away or lose interest, and that is ok.
Cut the lead and focus your energy on the next potential sale.
10) Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For The Sale
Don’t leave any room for interpretation.
When you have found someone showing interest, asking questions, and wanting to support your team, ask them straight out if they are interested in buying your product.
You don’t need to be aggressive, but you shouldn’t leave room for interpretation.Â
Show a buyer that you want them to buy. People want to feel wanted and respond positively to outreach and support. Tell the potential sales that you would value their support.
Try a TeamFund Fundraiser
Our sign-up process is as easy as 1-2-3!Â
01 Download a Fundraising Package
Our free fundraising package is meant to be shared with your committee and includes important information, goal calculators, and more!
02 Find Fundraisers in Your Area
Find the perfect fundraiser for your group. We have fundraisers featuring local food favourites in Alberta and Winnipeg! Food is a practical, profitable, and repeatable fundraiser.
03 Sign Up Your Fundraising Group
Ready to get going? All you need to do is sign up for a fundraiser and start planning! We are here to answer any questions you have.

Get your own online store to make sharing your fundraiser and collecting payments easy! You gather the supporters, we’ll take care of the boring spreadsheets and logistics.Â
Did you know? Even though we are an online fundraising platform, we are human! Throughout your fundraiser, we are here to answer any questions you have.
Fundraise for any season and any reason with TeamFund Fundraising!Â
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