The Wildcats Football Club Runs Fundraising Twice a Year with TeamFund.
Pride, Courage, Intensity:Â Â This is the motto for the Calgary Wildcats Football Club.
Made up of players from the western edge of Calgary, this group embodies hard work and perseverance. However, times are tough for a lot of people in the city. With a depressed economy, it’s harder than ever for families to pay for youth sports.
About 1 out of every 10 Wildcats players require some kind of fee assistance each season.
Yet they have never had to turn a player away due to financial hardship.
The Wildcats need to bring in a certain amount every year to keep fees from rising.
“Equipment, field rentals, and operating expenses are always going up. By fundraising we keep our members fees from rising and keep player participation growing. We don’t want to turn anyone away. We ask for all our families to get involved in the fundraising at some level, if not we require an “opt out” cheque. “
Like most youth sports programs, the Wildcats are a non-profit organization.

In order to keep fees reasonable and help out families in need, they do a variety of different kinds of fundraising.
We met them when they were searching for a better way to raise money without adding more work to their already very full plate.
This is why TeamFund even exists.
Here is what Shana Pelzel, Director of Fundraising & Corporate Sponsors for the Wildcats has to say:
“I sought out TeamFund over 3 years ago looking for an easier way to streamline our fundraising process. In the past we had worked with paper orders, taking cash and cheques from customers always coming up short, making mistakes and lots of times paying more in the end for payments not received.”
We hear this an awful lot, and we have been there: Chasing people for weeks or months after a campaign has ended to get money and orders handed in.
That’s precisely why we do everything online. No more chasing after people or trying to balance the books.

Reliable Fundraising Campaigns
The Wildcats have two seasons and four levels: Atom, Pewee, Bantam and Midget. They like to run two fundraising campaigns per year. These two food fundraisers bring in over $15,000 a year in partnership with TeamFund!
Every season, the Wildcats come back for more online fundraising. Over time, their sales have increased.
 More sales means more profits and revenue for the club. The Wildcats generate over $15,000 a year time and time again.
Easy to Share with SupportersÂ
Like our other groups, Shana says the Wildcats appreciate how easy it is to share a link online. Whether it’s posted on Facebook or sent in an email, it takes the work out of it.
Parents are so busy these days. Make fundraising as easy as sharing a link, and more people will participate in the campaigns. This, of course, means better profits.
By having most of the process done online, costs stay low and make life easier for both organizers and supporters.
Supporters click on the link you send them, and they come right to your team’s store.
From there, they can get product information and make their purchases.
Don’t Worry; TeamFund Handles Logistics
Before TeamFund, they had never known anything besides paper fundraising. Â The time and energy it took out of them twice a year was draining their volunteers.
The best part is that we take payments online and keep track of sales for you.
Shana adds that the ability to pull sales information about what products are selling best is a win-win for them. All of TeamFund products are from beloved companies and proven sellers.
When they are ready and signed up for another campaign, their fundraising organizer uses TeamFund’s pre-written emails.
She sends it to ALL the families at once. No need to print paper and meet with coaches and managers. No need to collect forms and cash.
Shana and the rest of the committee make sure the coaches and managers keep promoting the fundraiser and watch sales come in on their webpage.
When the fundraiser ends, Shana receives detailed sales summaries, so she knows who’s participated and better yet, who hasn’t.

To date, TeamFund Fundraising has helped the Calgary Wildcats raise an astonishing $80,000 and counting.
Not only is this a huge amount of money, but TeamFund made fundraising easier for this club.
We couldn’t be prouder to partner with the Wildcats and help them reach their goals.
We set out to help other groups out of the nightmare of paper fundraising. With each new organizer we meet, we’ve done just that.
FEATURED GROUPS are success stories that take it to the next level and have been working with TeamFund for at least 3 years or 5 campaigns.Â
Parents and supporters trust the platform (and love the food!), and organizers love how easy it is.
These groups leverage Teamfund's online tools to generate a consistent flow of revenue to support their members and use us as one of their tried and true go-to fundraisers.
Fundraise for any season and any reason with TeamFund Fundraising!Â
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